에러 | Mybatis BindingException Parameter '__frch_e_0' not found |
출처 | 출처 : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34275623/mybatis-bindingexception-parameter-frch-e-0-not-found |
해결 | <foreach item="list" 현재(3.2.2) 마이바티스 버전이 list 상태의 타입을 정상적으로 읽지 못함 현재 버전을 3.4.1 이상으로 변경하거나 list를 map 으로 넣어서 사용하면됨 |
${} vs #{} | #{} 1. {} 을 ㅛㅇ하는 경우 preparedStatement 를 생성, ?에 파라메터가 바인딩됨. (재활용, 효율적) 2. 작은 따옴표가 자동으로 붙여 쿼리 수행 3. 보안상 이점. -sql Injection 영향 ${} 1. 작은 따옴표가 붙이 않음 컬럼을 동적으로 사용할때. select * from user${id} |
foreach | in <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="list" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item}</foreach> | |
로그 자세하게 보기 | <settings> <setting name="logImpl" value="STDOUT_LOGGING"/> </settings> DB 설정파일. |
프로세스 | 어플리케이션 시작 SqlSessionFactoryBuilder -(MyBatis)-> sqlSessionFactory Application 호출. sqlSessionFactory 는 sqlSession 객체 생성. DB작업진행. 수행쿼리는 mapper파일에 |
mabatis-config.xml | typeAliases | typeAlias |
environments | ||
mappers | ||
mabatis-mapper.xml | insert, update, select 쿼리 담은곳 | |
settings 하기참고 |
cacheEnabled | default : true : 캐시사용여부 |
useColumnLabel | default : true : 컬럼명 대신 컬럼 라벨사용여부 | |
defaultExecutorType | default : SIMPLE - SIMPLE : sql쿼리 재사용안함. - REUSE : sql쿼리 재사용 - BATCH : sql쿼리 재사용, 배치로 업데이트 |
settings : https://mybatis.org/mybatis-3/configuration.html
These are extremely important tweaks that modify the way that MyBatis behaves at runtime. The following table describes the settings, their meanings and their default values.
SettingDescriptionValid ValuesDefault
cacheEnabled | Globally enables or disables any caches configured in any mapper under this configuration. | true | false | true |
lazyLoadingEnabled | Globally enables or disables lazy loading. When enabled, all relations will be lazily loaded. This value can be superseded for a specific relation by using the fetchType attribute on it. | true | false | false |
aggressiveLazyLoading | When enabled, any method call will load all the lazy properties of the object. Otherwise, each property is loaded on demand (see also lazyLoadTriggerMethods). | true | false | false (true in ≤3.4.1) |
multipleResultSetsEnabled | Allows or disallows multiple ResultSets to be returned from a single statement (compatible driver required). | true | false | true |
useColumnLabel | Uses the column label instead of the column name. Different drivers behave differently in this respect. Refer to the driver documentation, or test out both modes to determine how your driver behaves. | true | false | true |
useGeneratedKeys | Allows JDBC support for generated keys. A compatible driver is required. This setting forces generated keys to be used if set to true, as some drivers deny compatibility but still work (e.g. Derby). | true | false | False |
autoMappingBehavior | Specifies if and how MyBatis should automatically map columns to fields/properties. NONE disables auto-mapping. PARTIAL will only auto-map results with no nested result mappings defined inside. FULL will auto-map result mappings of any complexity (containing nested or otherwise). | NONE, PARTIAL, FULL | PARTIAL |
autoMappingUnknownColumnBehavior | Specify the behavior when detects an unknown column (or unknown property type) of automatic mapping target.
defaultExecutorType | Configures the default executor. SIMPLE executor does nothing special. REUSE executor reuses prepared statements. BATCH executor reuses statements and batches updates. | SIMPLE REUSE BATCH | SIMPLE |
defaultStatementTimeout | Sets the number of seconds the driver will wait for a response from the database. | Any positive integer | Not Set (null) |
defaultFetchSize | Sets the driver a hint as to control fetching size for return results. This parameter value can be override by a query setting. | Any positive integer | Not Set (null) |
defaultResultSetType | Specifies a scroll strategy when omit it per statement settings. (Since: 3.5.2) | FORWARD_ONLY | SCROLL_SENSITIVE | SCROLL_INSENSITIVE | DEFAULT(same behavior with ‘Not Set’) | Not Set (null) |
safeRowBoundsEnabled | Allows using RowBounds on nested statements. If allow, set the false. | true | false | False |
safeResultHandlerEnabled | Allows using ResultHandler on nested statements. If allow, set the false. | true | false | True |
mapUnderscoreToCamelCase | Enables automatic mapping from classic database column names A_COLUMN to camel case classic Java property names aColumn. | true | false | False |
localCacheScope | MyBatis uses local cache to prevent circular references and speed up repeated nested queries. By default (SESSION) all queries executed during a session are cached. If localCacheScope=STATEMENT local session will be used just for statement execution, no data will be shared between two different calls to the same SqlSession. | SESSION | STATEMENT | SESSION |
jdbcTypeForNull | Specifies the JDBC type for null values when no specific JDBC type was provided for the parameter. Some drivers require specifying the column JDBC type but others work with generic values like NULL, VARCHAR or OTHER. | JdbcType enumeration. Most common are: NULL, VARCHAR and OTHER | OTHER |
lazyLoadTriggerMethods | Specifies which Object's methods trigger a lazy load | A method name list separated by commas | equals,clone,hashCode,toString |
defaultScriptingLanguage | Specifies the language used by default for dynamic SQL generation. | A type alias or fully qualified class name. | org.apache.ibatis.scripting.xmltags.XMLLanguageDriver |
defaultEnumTypeHandler | Specifies the TypeHandler used by default for Enum. (Since: 3.4.5) | A type alias or fully qualified class name. | org.apache.ibatis.type.EnumTypeHandler |
callSettersOnNulls | Specifies if setters or map's put method will be called when a retrieved value is null. It is useful when you rely on Map.keySet() or null value initialization. Note primitives such as (int,boolean,etc.) will not be set to null. | true | false | false |
returnInstanceForEmptyRow | MyBatis, by default, returns null when all the columns of a returned row are NULL. When this setting is enabled, MyBatis returns an empty instance instead. Note that it is also applied to nested results (i.e. collectioin and association). Since: 3.4.2 | true | false | false |
logPrefix | Specifies the prefix string that MyBatis will add to the logger names. | Any String | Not set |
logImpl | Specifies which logging implementation MyBatis should use. If this setting is not present logging implementation will be autodiscovered. | SLF4J | LOG4J(deprecated since 3.5.9) | LOG4J2 | JDK_LOGGING | COMMONS_LOGGING | STDOUT_LOGGING | NO_LOGGING | Not set |
proxyFactory | Specifies the proxy tool that MyBatis will use for creating lazy loading capable objects. | CGLIB (deprecated since 3.5.10) | JAVASSIST | JAVASSIST (MyBatis 3.3 or above) |
vfsImpl | Specifies VFS implementations | Fully qualified class names of custom VFS implementation separated by commas. | Not set |
useActualParamName | Allow referencing statement parameters by their actual names declared in the method signature. To use this feature, your project must be compiled in Java 8 with -parameters option. (Since: 3.4.1) | true | false | true |
configurationFactory | Specifies the class that provides an instance of Configuration. The returned Configuration instance is used to load lazy properties of deserialized objects. This class must have a method with a signature static Configuration getConfiguration(). (Since: 3.2.3) | A type alias or fully qualified class name. | Not set |
shrinkWhitespacesInSql | Removes extra whitespace characters from the SQL. Note that this also affects literal strings in SQL. (Since 3.5.5) | true | false | false |
defaultSqlProviderType | Specifies an sql provider class that holds provider method (Since 3.5.6). This class apply to the type(or value) attribute on sql provider annotation(e.g. @SelectProvider), when these attribute was omitted. | A type alias or fully qualified class name | Not set |
nullableOnForEach | Specifies the default value of ‘nullable’ attribute on ‘foreach’ tag. (Since 3.5.9) | true | false | false |
argNameBasedConstructorAutoMapping | When applying constructor auto-mapping, argument name is used to search the column to map instead of relying on the column order. (Since 3.5.10) | true | false | false |
An example of the settings element fully configured is as follows:
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